Series: The Vanguards

Only a vampire is strong enough to teach werewolves how to fight.
After a turbulant childhood, Sugar strives for a peaceful life. That goal is difficult when her neighbors turn furry and howl at the moon. They are not the regular chest pounding, make your blood curl kind of werewolves though. She’d have moved. More like the geeks of the underworld, and Chicago’s premier wolf pack has issued them a life or death challenge. Their only option for survival? Hire a vampire warrior for combat training.
Life is bound to grow more complicated now that a hot vampire lives next door.
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Eric strode into Sugar’s living room holding an envelope. “I found the solution to our problem.”
Sugar uncurled her legs from under her and sat straighter as she watched Eric’s lanky form approach. They had both survived growing-up in the same low-income neighborhood. Friendship forged in such fires never died.
He handed her a letter and joined the rest of his small, self-proclaimed werewolf pack lounging on her mismatched furniture.
Sugar scanned the front then the back. “Pal Robi Incorporated.” She read the sender’s name out loud. “What’s this?”
“It’s our salvation.” Eric gestured to pack mates and leaned forward in his seat. “Read it to everyone.”
She glanced at him with a questioning look. What was he up to? Eric had been unusually quiet and reserved since he and other shifters had told her about their problem. Sliding her fingernail under the corner, she tore it open. The paper felt heavy and thick with a huge company emblem embossed at the top left-hand corner. Expensive. An errant blond curl slid in front of her eyes and she shoved it back behind her ear.
To the Omega pack:
I have reviewed the details of your plight. Pal Robi Incorporated deals mostly in security issues, but I find your problem worthy of my personal attention. Enclosed you will find a non-negotiable contract. Please review it closely, and have your signatures notarized. The return fax number is listed on the contract so proceedings can begin. Mail the original to the office. Thank you for your business.
Daedalus Pal Robi
“A contract? Don’t tell me you hired a hit man.” She wouldn’t put it past him. They were desperate and shifters followed the law of the wild, not the rules human authorities tried to shackle them with.
The wolf shifters responded to her outburst with low growls directed at Eric.
What had she gotten herself tangled in? She wasn’t pack. She was a plain vanilla human. No super strength or amazing healing abilities, just a woman with werewolves as neighbors and the inability to say no when they asked her for help. Maybe that was her super power? If it was, it sucked.
“What kind of person do you think I am?” Eyes wide, Eric held his hands out in front of him. “Mr. Pal Robi is offering to teach us how to fight.”
Sugar tilted her head as she surveyed her friend and sighed. This again. “Yeah, probably for a substantial fee. How can you afford this?” They barely made rent every month. Since becoming a shifter, Eric thought with his heart first, then his dick, and finally his brain. It kept getting him in trouble. Like this vampire and fighting thing.
Eric looked at his pack. She used that term loosely because technically calling them a pack was what placed them in this situation in the first place. He pleaded with his eyes. “Before you make any judgments, let’s have Sugar read the contract out loud.”
She held it in front of her and took a deep breath. Here went everything. “This is an agreement between Pal Robi Incorporated and Eric, Sam, Katrina, Tyler, and Robert, from here forward to be known as the Omegas.” She rolled her eyes. This so-called trainer gave them a name. She read the rest to them.
- Pal Robi Inc. will provide to the Omegas, training in defense, hand-to-hand combat and small weapons use.
- Training will take place for the duration of the period beginning with the trainer’s arrival until the challenge date.
- Combat training is inherently dangerous. Pal Robi Inc. is not responsible for injury or death sustained during such training.
- Trainer will not intentionally hurt and-or kill any Omega during the period of this agreement.
Responsibilities of the Omegas:
- Omegas will provide trainer from Pal Robi with appropriate lodgings.
- Omegas will provide daylight security of said trainer.
- Omegas will submit to the direction of the trainer without question for the duration of the training.
- Omegas agree to pay Pal Robi Inc. the agreed upon fee in cash prior to the beginning of training.
- In addition, Omegas will provide the trainer with fresh, consumable blood upon request.
She gave the contract a slow blink, then continued out of habit while her mind fought off denial and allowed that last bit to sink in.
- Failure to provide payment renders this agreement null and void.
- Failure to abide by the terms specified represents a breach of contract which renders the agreement null and void.
- Breach of contract will result in an immediate investigation. Vengeance will be swift and unmerciful.
Sugar reread the last line to herself then placed the contract on her lap. Huh. Blood and unmerciful vengeance. In a legal and binding contract? Cold claws of fear gripped her stomach. “You hired a vampire?” The soft question shattered the quiet weighing heavily on the room. How had Eric, an omega werewolf, made contact with a vampire? Better yet, why had Eric contacted a vampire? Her head pounded and she fought the urge to tear the letter into confetti.
Eric stood and faced his pack mates, staring at each one in turn. “How can we not hire him? The Ayumu pack officially challenged us. One of us has to fight and beat one of their alphas in a month. There’s no other way.”